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Power Of The Mind

Power Of The Mind To Live A Healthy And Fit Lifestyle

The last several months I have felt like I hit a plateau at the gym. I have tried everything I could think of to get out of it. I looked at my workout routine, switched it up and fine tuned it. I looked at what I was eating and fine tuned that as well. I have talked to several personal trainers and bodybuilders to get their advice. It just 

seemed like no matter what I did I couldn't get out of the slump I was in. It really frustrated me and caused me to even have some thoughts of giving up. I didn't want to give up living a healthy and fit lifestyle. It is who I am and what I do. I was determined to go on and get through this.

I started watching some videos on YouTube about the power of the mind and how powerful it is when lifting weights. One of the most powerful videos I watched was a speech that Arnold Schwarzenegger gave.

I thought a lot about this video and all the things that Arnold said. I never really realized or thought about how powerful the mind is especially when it comes to bodybuilding, exercising or just in everyday life. You 

have to ask yourself "how bad do you want it?" If you want it bad enough, you will do whatever it takes to achieve your goals and get to where you want to be. You have to visualize what you want your body to look 

like. This will create the "WILL" to go to the gym everyday, to do those last couple of reps when you think you can't do anymore and push yourself more than you ever thought you could. The body is important but the mind is even more important!

I thought about all these things that I have heard and have been reading and wanted to use them in my own life and my own workouts. On my way to the gym I would think about which workouts I was going to do 

and imagined myself doing them with my muscles getting all pumped up. As I was performing a certain exercise, I would concentrate on the movement and picture in my head doing the exercise with proper form 

and my muscles getting bigger. When my body was tired, sore and didn't want to do anymore I would tell myself to do 1 or 2 more reps. I was amazed that I was actually able to do them. Just make sure you don't 

use bad form by trying to get those last couple of reps. I would think about how bad I wanted it and tell myself I had to do it in order to reach my goals.

There are several people at the gym I go to who just walk around, talk and maybe exercise a little bit. I 
guess to them going to the gym means being social and flirting. If you want to achieve your goals and push 

yourself harder then you should be concentrating on your workouts and not about the other people at the gym. You need to "ZONE IN" on your workouts and not let others distract you. If you are looking to 

compete in a competition, remember their is always someone out there working a little bit harder than you. You need to use your time wisely at the gym and not waste it by socializing.

It's a great idea to keep a journal of your workouts and also of what you are eating. By doing this, you can see if you are improving each week. One thing that I did was have a paper with Week 1-Week 4 for Monday and another for Tuesday and so on. This way I can visually see what I did the week before and push myself to lift more or do more reps. For me, it was like I was competing with myself. This really helped me and played a big part in getting out of this slump.

You really need to train your mind just like you would your body. It takes time and won't happen over night. If you are serious about reaching your health and fitness goals then it needs to become a lifestyle change. 

You can't just go to the gym 1 hour a day while talking half the time and eating like crap. You need to live and breath "healthy" and think about it constantly. It isn't an easy thing to do or else everybody would be 

doing it. It takes hard work, dedication and patience! If you realize the power of the mind and use it to your advantage while committing yourself to living a healthy and fit lifestyle, you WILL achieve your goals.

Power Of The Mind To Live A Healthy And Fit Lifestyle

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