Building muscle is not just about going to the gym and lifting heavy weights, this is more likely to injure yourself. You need to understand that you body and the muscle makeup of your body is very adapting to its surroundings. This means
that if you understand how your muscles work and function you can actual build muscle easier then someone who doesn't have a clue. So why does our body grow muscle? You build muscle due to stress placed on the muscle. This is
your body's way of 'protecting' itself. The stress you put on your muscle is recovered to make that muscle stronger to handle that type of stress again. This is done again and again and repeated until your goal is achieved.
But to continually stress out your muscles you also need to ensure your muscles do not get use to the conditions. This
means if you did the same workout everyday and worked every muscle in your body that your body would eventually get use to this workout and your muscles would adapt to it and your muscle building efforts would lose their results (you
wouldn't lose muscle, but you wouldn't be able to grow or define it as well). This is why muscle confusion becomes very useful. This is when you rotate your routine and change it over time to ensure you continue to put stress onto your
muscles without them adapting to the workout. This stimulates the muscles to grow, strengthen and to burn. These are the types of things you want in your workout to achieve this.
There are many types of weight training routines out there such as strength training, resistance training, supersets,
giant sets, sets to failure, beyond failure, and cheat sets. There are many more but these are a few. All have their individual unique benefits over each other, but combining them all over a long period will normally result in your body
continually having to adapt to a new type of training, forcing the body and muscles to repair and recover and thus growing muscle. This is how you achieve the stimulation on your muscles to force them to grow in size and strength.
The problem people find is that they workout hard, and they put themselves to their limits but what happens is they get to a point and they cannot get past it (very common and is known as plateau). This is at the stage that you should begin to
look at mixing up your routine with a new type of training to ensure your body can continue to develop and define those muscle gains! However this is not the only important part of training and growing muscles, and there is a common fact
that many people overlook or don't put much of their attention to due to them thinking that taking a few supplements will make it all ok.
It make me laugh when I see so many people eating badly by buying takeout foods, eating snacks loaded with sugar
and other processed foods. They are actually almost reversing all their efforts of working out and training. Have you ever seen one of those guys that are big, they lift big and they are big but their muscles look like they are holding a lot of body
fat? There normally are a number of these types of guys at the gym, and then you see the ones where their muscle definition can be defined by a line between their muscles that you can see. This is a ripped look and it's in my opinion a
much better physique and it is also much healthier to not carry so much body fat. This part of training is achieved by the way you eat. It provides your body the fuel it needs to rebuild, recover and repair the muscles that you are working.
Without this your body is going to struggle to do this and if you then start putting in fatty type foods, you are only going to achieve a fatty type muscle build.