how to lose belly fat in 1 week

Best Exercise to Lose Belly Fat

Best Exercise to Lose Belly Fat

Best Exercise to Lose Belly Fat - What Are the Best Exercises to Lose the Belly?

Those that want to strengthen their midsection and shape their core will find lots of stomach exercises out there. This fact can be either a curse or a blessing. How do you know which routines and exercises are the best with so many available? According to fitness expert recommendations, I offer you below a list of what appears to be the best exercises to lose belly fat. These "all star" abdominal exercises might be a good start if you aren't sure where to begin working on the stomach. You should consult a doctor prior to beginning your workout routine. Also, avoid injuries by warming up properly.

Hip Lift

This is one of the best exercises to lose belly fat. This tummy exercise requires you to lie down on your back. Put your arms down on the floor by your site, and your palms facing up to the ceiling. The bottoms of your feet should be facing the ceiling with your legs held straight in the air forming approximately a ninety degree angle to the torso. The knees should be as straight as possible, don't bend them. Gently lift the hips from the floor while contracting the abdominal muscles so the belly button moves toward the spine. With the legs remaining upwardly extended raise the hips a few inches and hold before lowering to the floor slowly. Do a full set.

Crunchless Crunch

Another excellent exercise to help you lose belly fat is the crunchless crunch. Not only do normal crunches put strain on the neck and the back, also they don't do anything for the deeper muscles of the midsection which are the transverse abdominals. Normal crunches work only the muscles at the front of the stomach known as the rectus abdominus. There is no strain on the neck or back when you work the transverse muscles using the crunchless crunch exercise. The idea is to try and bring your belly button inwards towards your spine. You might not be used to utilizing these muscles which can make the exercise a bit difficult. You want to kneel or lie on the stomach to begin. Trying both methods will help you understand which one does more for the muscles. First relax your body and utilize just the lower abdominals in order to get the belly button moving to the spine and hold for ten seconds. Hold longer if you feel the exercise is too easy. Your target is to hold the contraction until you don't feel it anymore or you feel that other muscles are working harder. Release the contraction when this happens.

Long Arm Crunch

Stay on the floor with feet flat and knees bent to do this belly exercise. You want to extend the arms back on the floor as if reaching over your heard while lying on the floor. Slowly lift the arms, shoulders and head as you contract the abs until they are at an angle of thirty degrees. Hold, then lower the shoulders to the floor slowly. Do one set being careful not to let the arms lead. Arms should be by your head and straight.

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