how to lose belly fat in 1 week

20 Ways to Lose Weight After the Holidays

20 Ways to Lose Weight After the Holidays
Guilty of overeating during the holidays? Here are 20 simple ways to beat weight gain.
1. Drink water. People often mistake thirst for hunger, so next time you feel like noshing, reach for water first. Drinking also helps you feel full. Some experts suggest sipping water (or iced tea) just before you sit down to a meal. Continue drinking as you eat to add volume and weight to your meal.
2. Set realistic goals. One or two pounds a week maximum is doable. Top weight-loss programs advocate stopping after the first 10 pounds and maintaining that loss for about six months before trying to lose any more.
3. Build in splurges. If you allow yourself to eat whatever you want for 2 meals out of every 21, you won’t inflict enough damage to subvert your weight loss. And you’ll feel less deprived.
4. Count to 10. Studies suggest that the average craving lasts only about 10 minutes. So before caving in to your urge, set your mental timer for a 10-minute time-out. Use the time to tackle an item on your to-do list; choose one that will give you a sense of accomplishment — and get you out of the kitchen.
5. Eat more often. People who have kept their weight off for more than a few years tend to eat an average of five times a day. Light, frequent meals curb your appetite, boost your energy, improve your mood and even speed your metabolism, since the process of digestion itself burns calories.
6. Make weekly resolutions. Don’t try to overhaul your diet overnight. If you make too many changes at once, chances are you’ll get frustrated and throw in the towel. Instead, make one change, such as eating at least one piece of fruit daily, every week.
7. Start with 10%. People who start by focusing on achieving just 10% of their long-range weight-loss goal may have the best chance of ultimate success.
Losing those first pounds yields the biggest health gains, too, since belly fat is usually the first to come off and is the most dangerous.
8. Spike your meals with salsa. This spicy condiment can stand in for mayo to deliver plenty of flavor without the fat. Mix it with a bit of low-fat yogurt to make tuna salad. Spread it on a veggie burger, or serve it with chicken or fish.
9. Take one-third off. When you eat dinner out, reduce the temptation to clean your plate by setting aside one-third of your meal. Ask the server for a doggie bag, and take it home for lunch the next day. Try serving yourself one-third less at home too. This simple tactic could subtract more than 500 calories a day.
10. Go easy on the alcohol. Remember that alcohol is a source of calories. A 12-ounce beer has 150 calories; a 3.5-ounce glass of wine, 85. A margarita packs a bigger caloric punch. Even worse offenders are creamy cocktails, such as brandy alexanders and mudslides — equivalent to drinking a rich dessert. The bottom line: If you’re trying to lose weight, stick with water.
11. Write notes to yourself. To help you stay on track, post notes to yourself on the fridge and the pantry. Put up a little stop sign or make tags with questions like “Do you want this food enough to wear it?” and “Are the calories worth the consequences?”
12. Stay away from sodas. Soft drinks are a major source of empty calories in the American diet. We drink twice as much soda as milk and nearly six times more soda than fruit juice. But fluids don’t satisfy your appetite as well as solids. A study at Purdue University found that when people were fed 450 calories daily as jelly beans or as soda, the soda drinkers gained a significant amount of weight, but the jelly-bean eaters compensated for the extra calories by cutting back on other food. So if you crave something sweet, you’re better off chewing it than gulping it. If you’re truly thirsty, reach for water or unsweetened iced tea instead of soda.
13. Don’t just eat — dine. Eating on the run or in front of the tube invites mindless munching. Instead, set the table every time you eat. Make a conscious choice to sit down and savor every bite. Placing a portion of chips on your best china helps focus your attention so you don’t eat the whole bag.
14. Up your protein (a little). Research suggests that protein prolongs the feeling of fullness better than carbohydrates or fats do. Studies in Scotland, Denmark, Sweden and England found that people who ate a high-protein breakfast or lunch were less hungry at their next meal. Protein also requires a few more calories to digest. Just don’t go overboard. Stick to low-fat protein sources like low-fat yogurt or cottage cheese, low-fat soy drinks or snacks, or thinly sliced turkey breast.
15. Learn how to measure. It’s easy to misjudge portion sizes. Pull out the measuring spoons and cups, especially for full-fat salad dressings, dairy foods and mayo.
16. Make smart substitutions. Look for nutritious low-calorie alternatives to sugary, high-fat treats. Try frozen grapes instead of candy. Use air-popped popcorn instead of oil-popped. Dip fresh strawberries in fat-free fudge sauce for a sensuous chocolaty treat.
17. Have a “party plan.” When attending a party, offer to bring a plate. Arriving armed with chopped fresh veggies and a low-fat dip — or any other low-calorie snack — ensures that you’ll have something to snack on without feeling guilty.
18. Think positively. Experts note that low self-esteem is a major cause of overeating. Train yourself to focus on your best points rather than your weak spots. Buy clothes that fit and flatter you at your current weight. Update your hairstyle and get a makeup consultation so you feel attractive today.
19. Give yourself a break. No one says you have to reach your goal without making mistakes along the way. Tell yourself you can succeed in losing weight by taking things one step at a time and starting fresh whenever you slip up. If you overeat one night, just get back on track in the morning by focusing on what’s worked for you in the past.
20. Relax! Some people binge when they’re stressed. A Yale University study found that women who secreted the most cortisol (a hormone released during stress) ate the most high-fat food after stress. The combination of cortisol and insulin prompts the body to store fat in preparation for possible starvation — just what you don’t need. If stress has a stronghold on your life, try learning yoga, meditation, or simple breathing exercises.

Healthy New Years Resolution

Healthy New Years Resolution

Healthy New Years Resolution

Don't waste another New Years resolution
Here are 7 easy changes that can help you reach your healthy resolution
Many people make New Years resolutions to lose weight or get in shape. All of us are probably guilty of this at some stage. Sometimes it lasts a few weeks before the new change disappears, sometimes it last a few months and occasionally some people make the change permanently.
Unfortunately many people are swayed, by clever emotional marketing, into buying lose weight quick type schemes including many diet pills, shakes, detoxes, and some 'one food only' diets. Unfortunately many of these seem too good to be true and that is because they are.
Smart people will make changes to their diet and increase their exercise levels, resulting in progressively good results. This happens to be the most effective and long term option to losing excessive weight, increasing general health and promoting longer living. However, many fail with this. To be successful there are some fairly significant lifestyle changes that need to occur. Generally they involve hard work and unfortunately people's 'I can't be bothered' mentality often wins out. Weight loss can be very simple, it is as easy as basic math, a plus minus system that makes sense and is fool proof. Unfortunately it is not 'lazy' or 'can't be bothered' proof.
If you are going to make a resolution for weight loss, getting fit or even if you are not, I suggest the same thing; increase your quality and longevity in life. Make some lifestyle changes! But don't make too many at once. This is too hard to sustain and you will join the many other failed 'resoloutioners'. Pick a couple of changes, make them and keep them, no matter what.
Here are some examples for your New Years resolution:
- Limit alcohol in your diet (eliminate it if you can), but at the very least, reduce it to only a couple of drinks a week.
- Eat less or eliminate pre packaged and convenient meals, unfortunately most are bad news. There are plenty of healthy meals that can be prepared and cooked in a matter of minutes.
- Increase your exercise anyway you can! Walk to places, don't be lazy! Walk the kids to school or walk to work. If its too far and you have to drive, park 10 minutes away and walk from there. Rain is not an excuse, use an umbrella.
- Start reading packaging, there is more and more information on kilojoules and calories on packaging and takeaway than ever before. The excuse, 'I didn't know' is becoming less applicable. Remember this: the average adult intake per day is about 8,500 kilojoules (calories ). Try sticking to this or a bit below if you can.
- Control your portion size. Don't be a greedy guts. It takes 20 minutes for your stomach to let you know it's full and has had enough. So avoid eating until you are not hungry any more. Control portions and stick to them, this will help greatly, (leave the extra piece of garlic bread, potato or sausage for somebody else).
- Don't go cold turkey on the food you love, that is not good for you. Enjoy it, but again, reduce your intake and the frequency, change it to a reward e.g if I eat well or exercise I can have this treat at the end of the week.
- Exercise. Do it. Here's a tip, don't do something you don't enjoy! This makes it hard to be motivated to complete it. Find something you enjoy and do it regularly. Whether it be playing tennis, swimming, riding, walking, jogging, basketball, martial arts, dancing, table tennis, bootcamp, personal training, gym or many other alternatives, find something you love and do it. It makes burning energy a lot easier and less of a chore.
There are so many changes that can be made. Be aware of them, start with a couple and go from there. The key is to make them permanent changes. Your body, lifestyle and health will thank you.
Picture yourself, 10 years from now, would you ask yourself to make some of these changes now? Or would your future self say, 'Don't worry, keep those feet up on the couch and eat that takeaway! I'm not that important?'
Have a safe and happy New Years! Here's to a healthier 2013!
Remember always be Body Wise.

7 Simple Ways to Lose Belly Fat in Just 21 Days

7 Simple Ways to Lose Belly

Follow these 7 simple ways to lose Stomach fat now -

1) Reduce high calorie foods

Stomach fat is stored energy.

One of the necessary ways to lose Stomach fat is to burn more calories than you are taking in.

To do that, you need to get away from 'bad' processed foods that are high in fat and low in nutrition.

Examples of bad foods are soft drinks, fast food, snacks, beer and take away meals.

Instead look at unprocessed, fiber rich foods, such as fruits, vegetables, and whole-grains.

Why fiber?

Fiber improves both our blood sugar levels and bowel functions.

2) Cut Out Bad Carbs

We need Carbohydrates, but it is one of the most confusing part of our diet - some are very good for you, and some are not.

Fruits, vegetables, grains, soft drinks, donuts, or a bowl of corn flakes are all source of carbo - but not all of them are good for you.

The best way to classify the difference between good and bad carb is - "good" unrefined and "bad" refined (processed) carbs.

White rice, white bread, pasta made from white flour, all processed foods(cakes, biscuits etc), sugary cereals,
drinks and sugar are all examples of refined carbs.

The one thing to remember - "refined" food are processed carbs where all the beneficial natural nutrients have been stripped away.

The bran, the fiber, and most of the healthy nutrients have been lost, leaving a bland, white, longer-lasting and shelf-stable product.

So, the best way to lose stomach fat - cut out the bad carbs, and eat more good carbs.

3) Decrease Alcohol

Alcohol has no nutritional values.

If you do not burn off the calories from the alcohol, it will be stored as body fat.

4) Burn Belly Fat

Not only is stomach fat unhealthy, it increases your risk of heart disease, diabetes and cancer.

One of the best ways to lose stomach fat is to exercise!

Exercises described in The Truth about Six Pack Abs will give you great ways to lose stomach fat - making it easier to lose weight around the waist.

5) Avoid Late Night Snacking

Late night snacking is one you should avoid.

Most people go straight to bed after a late night meal because they are tired.

This results in high blood sugar levels with no energy spent.

As a result, the excess sugar is quickly converted to fat and stored in the body!

6) Eat Power Foods to Lose Stomach Fat

You don't have to starve yourself to lose weight.

Another way to lose stomach fat is to eat more lean protein, healthy fats and unrefined

Power Foods you should include in the diet are non salted almonds and other nuts, eggs, berries, extra Protein Whey powder, unflavored oatmeal, Fat free or low fat milk, spinach and other vegetables.

7) Quit Smoking

Not only does it increase your chance of cancer, it increase your abdominal weight gain and raises blood sugar level
by stimulating your stress response.

So quit smoking now.

There are many more ways to lose stomach fat, but if you follow the 7 guidelines above - you will lose stomach fat.

The key to a flatter stomach is dropping the body fat level with a healthy diet and regular exercise.

The Message of the Heart

The Message of the Heart

A culture of heart is emerging into the world. We are moving from a culture of the mind. The mind has gotten us where we are today. It will be the heart which leads us forward into a new era.
How can we think about the heart? The heart is physical, emotional and spiritual. The heart synthesizes and the mind analyzes. Our core self is located inside our hearts. The heart is the basis for all religion. A mystic is one who connects with the divine current through meditation practices. Anyone can do this.
I teach and practice a type of meditation called Heart Rhythm Meditation>. This is a type of heart meditation. The focus is on the breath and the heartbeat. Breath awareness and control is common to meditation but concentration on our heartbeats is unique to this practice. Did you know you can hear your own heartbeat? You can. Anyone can. It's comforting once you find it and hear its steady beat.
The first sound a newborn hears in the womb is the mother's heartbeat. The first organ to form in a newborn is the heart. It starts to beat first. Then everything else develops from that. We have a primal feeling for the steady sound of the heartbeat.
The heart is the main clock in the body. It is much slower than the mind. So we listen to our heartbeat or pulse and synchronize our breathing with it. Connecting with this clock slows down our minds because the mind moves at a rhythm much faster than the pulse. The heart is our inner clock that we can glance at any time we want.
Exhaling 6 beats out and inhaling for 6 beats. This creates a balanced breath. And then an amazing thing happens. The rhythm of the heartbeat starts to follow the rhythm of the breath. The heartrate slows and our heart rhythms become a smooth, rhythmic wave. The heartrate actually becomes entrained with the breath rate. This is called Cardiac Coherence by scientists. It's a state where your immune system, hormonal system, cardiovascular system and nervous system are working in harmony. The more coherence you create, the less stress.
Bio-feedback devices can show you your own heart rhythms through what's called "heart rate variability". Research shows that a low HRV is a predictor of early mortality. So increasing our HRV and creating our own heart coherence is healing for our heart.
Our physical heart benefits from coherence. There's much less stress and much more elasticity in our responses to it. We can stretch our energetic hearts to connect with life. This is done with the breath. Breathe rhythmically and slowly and more deeply and quietly. Your blood pressure will begin to come down. Your heartrate will slow.
Our mind and body, heart and emotion become one in meditation. Stay aware of your heartbeat. It keeps you centered in the vastness. Stay present to what's happening in your body.
There is a wisdom to how we feel about things. Feeling comes from the heart. What is your heart saying? Listen to your heartbeat. That's how you start listening to your heart. Find its physical beat in the middle of your chest. Put your hand over your heart. That will bring your attention to your heart.
Now breathe rhythmically and imagine your breath flowing in and out of your heart. This is called heart breathing. It's very simple and relaxing.
Your heart contains a wish that has been with you your entire life. If you meditate on this, on your heart, you will remember what that wish is. It may have been covered up by life's experiences but it's always been with you.
To live from the heart is to listen to your heart's guidance and trust in its wisdom and power. The secret law of attraction comes from your heart. What you send out from your heart is what comes back to you. So send a lot of love to whatever it is you want or need. It's like a mirror that reflects back to you what you put out.
Let your heart open and expand. This is the message of the heart.
Visit Healthy Heart Meditation to learn everything you need to know about how to meditate on your heart for peace, balance, and cardiac coherence. Heal your heart physically, emotionally, and spiritually.

5 Weight Loss Motivation Tips That Work

5 Weight Loss Motivation Tips That Work | PickTheBrain | Motivation and Self Improvement
Stay Focused on Getting Slimmer and Staying that Way
“I’m going to be a fat blob on my wedding day!” The voice on the other end of the phone was desperate. “Can you help me?”
So Karen came to see me. “It’s always the same,” she told me. “I’m motivated for a few days and lose weight, then something happens. I gain everything – and more – back again! My wedding’s in three months! That should be motivation enough, but lately my weight’s been even more all over the place!”
Karen was right. Weight loss motivation is easy…at first. Rapid progress, compliments, wearing outfits you really want to, feeling more attractive, having more energy. All this positive feedback is motivating, captivating. Yet this weight loss ‘honeymoon period’ inevitably wanes. And then it can get tough.
Slim people do it! How?
Living as a slim person is a way of life. A healthy weight won’t be sustainable long-term if it requires constant positive feedback and the excitement of feeling newly slimmer.
“What do you mean: ‘Something happens’?” I asked Karen.
“Well, I might have a problem at work, or my kids wind me up, or I start worrying about being fat at my wedding!”
Ah, so Karen, like millions of people who struggle with their weight, was using food for emotional support as well as simply nutrition.
We had a simple goal, then. Karen needed to start thinking and behaving like a slim personlong-term, up to and beyond her wedding. What follows are some of the approaches we used; you can ‘make them your own’ so they really work for you.
Tip 1: Think slim
This tip is about that all-important moment: What do you experience just before you eat something? Do you tussle with yourself? “I really shouldn’t… but I want to!” Do you imagine how the food will taste, even feel in the mouth? Or do you focus on the real consequences, rather than the temporary satisfactions of eating?
People who are overweight tend to imagine how food is going to taste and feel as they eat. In contrast, people who naturally ‘eat slim’ tend to imagine how that pie or cake will feel heavy in their stomachs for so long after they’ve eaten it. Jumping from a great height might feel fun whilst it lasts, but the consequences that come after we hit the ground are what we consider when deciding not to do it.
So when you’re tempted to eat something you don’t need, practice imagining how your stomach is going to feel ten minutes or an hour after you’ve consumed that weight-increasing food. Keep it up until this becomes a natural habit for you.
Tip 2: Surround yourself with slim people
No, I’m not suggesting you dump all your less-than-slender friends. But research has shown that the average body type of the people with whom you hang out affects yourweight and size (1). Start hanging around with slimmer, fitter types (perhaps at the gym) and your subconscious mind will pick up a new template for what is ‘normal’. Karen started hanging out and socializing with slim types at a jogging club.
Tip 3: Be fair to yourself
Imagine someone walks up a hundred steps but feels a bit tired, so they stop and step back down one step. They tell you bitterly: “Now I may as well forget this whole idea of reaching the top! I’ve totally blown it!”
What?! You’d think that was crazy, right? Acting as if all that progress, the 99 steps they didclimb, never happened – because they had one slip! But people do this all the time when it comes to weight loss.
You lose weight, maybe four or five pounds, maybe much more. But you slip, have a bad day or a ‘weak moment’, and eat something you shouldn’t have. And what do you tell yourself? “I’ve completely blown it! Now I might as well really binge!”
Beware the perfectionism trap. Aim to eat sensibly and healthily most of the time, not all the time. We all consume more than we should of the wrong kind of food or drink now and then.
Everyone’s weight fluctuates a bit and you should prepare for this (once you’ve reached a healthy weight). Have a ‘sliding scale’ in your mind of a couple of pounds on either side of your target weight. No one can live for long under a self-imposed, too harsh dictatorship.
Tip 4: Weight loss is not a cure-all
Sure, being healthier, fitter, and so on will have positive and maybe unexpected ripple effects. However, even as a slimmer person you’ll still have a bad day in the office, moments of self-doubt, or times when you feel undervalued.
Many people feel let down when they become slimmer and then find that being slim doesn’t solve all their problems in one go. They then revert to eating poorly again. Don’t fall into this trap.
You have lots of different needs which need to be fulfilled in life. Being slimmer, healthier, and fitter is just one of them.
Tip 5: Eat when you’re hungry
I know this sounds obvious, but eating sugary foods causes a subsequent crash in energy, leaving you wanting more sweetness. On the other hand, eating for slow energy release is a sustainable way to keep your weight loss motivation firing on all cylinders without you having to consciously think about it. For slow-release energy, eat protein with every meal alongside ‘good carbs’ such as whole grains, vegetables, fruits, and beans. This avoids the ‘crash and burn’ of sugar overdosing.
Karen walked down the aisle over six years ago. I still see her at my gym sometimes. She tells me that the happiest day of her life was so happy because she felt so healthy. The fact that she was slim was (and is) just a happy outer reflection of the changes she’s experienced in the ways she feels and thinks about food.
(1) Having an obese friend dramatically increases the risk of becoming similarly fat, according to a study published in the New England Journal of Medicine. Obesity is ‘socially contagious’, spreading from person to person in a social network, researchers said. The study found that if one person becomes obese, those closely connected to them have a greater chance of becoming obese themselves. Surprisingly, the greatest effect was seen not among people sharing the same genes or household, but among friends.
Mark Tyrrell is a Guest Blogger for PickTheBrain,  therapist, trainer and author. He has created many  articles and audios on self help and personal development, including many on weight loss.
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