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How to Rest Your Mind

Part of the process of mental purification is the relax or quiet the mind. The mind works much faster than the body. And not everybody knows how to rest the mind. So, for many, the mind never rests. This will cause problems after a while. 
Doubt and fear can grow in a mind that knows no rest. For those who know how to quiet the mind there is the experience of peace and one's spirit is renewed.
The first step towards quieting the mind is to quiet the body. If one can relax the muscular and nervous system at will, then the mind will become refreshed. At the same time it is necessary to cast away anxiety, worries, doubts and fears. This can be done by using proper breathing.
According to Hazrat Inayat Khan, the great Indian Mystic and musician, great magnetism is produced by stilling and purifying the mind. This magnetism has the ability to attract to one anything one desires. This is similar to The Secret, if you are familiar with that movie and concept. Also this is known as the law of attraction.
To first quiet the body it is necessary to sit in an upright position with hands upon the lap. The spine should be straight and the chest open. This allows energy to flow into the heart area and also helps with maintaining alertness during meditation and the breathing practices.
Close the eyes next and then connect with you normal, everyday breath. Just follow the inhales and exhales. Your breath will become deeper, slower, quieter and more rhythmic. Your body will become relaxed and your heartrate will become slower and more regular as well.
As you continue to focus on your breath your mind will begin to relax. As you exhale you can think of discarding all that you don't need, mentally, physically, and emotionally. As you inhale, think of renewing and redeeming all that you do need. To inhale is to inspire, inspiration, to bring in spirit. To exhale is to let go of and send out of the body.
This will lead towards mental purification, as well as a quiet mind. It is the state of meditation and it is recommended that you try this for 20 minutes every day if possible.
Visit Healthy Heart Meditation to learn everything you need to know about relaxing the mind, Simple Breathing exercises and Heart Rhythm Meditation.
Here are the basic meditation exercises you can begin with: This includes the Meditation Posture, which is called the Royal Posture or the Monolithic State.
Be well!

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