how to lose belly fat in 1 week

Best Abs Exercises For a Flatter Tummy

Abs Exercises For a Flatter Tummy

It's can be very difficult to get a flat tummy, especially if you have accumulated excess belly fat over the years. And when 
trying to lose that tummy flab, you need to do much more than just abs exercises. Abs exercises also don't only include crunches.
The best way to lose your tummy fat is to lower your body fat percentage and/or to lose some excess weight. Doing so 
will also not be easy and you will have to work hard from your part. But rest assured if you really want a flat tummy to be 
proud of, it can be yours with these 3 best abs exercises! Then just follow a healthy, balanced, calorie controlled diet 
and you will soon have the middle of your dreams.
Weight training
One of the best ways to lower your body fat percentage is by building lean muscle mass. When you have more lean 
muscle mass, your body burns more calories at rest - just what you need to get in shape! So grab a pair of dumbbells 
today and make sure that you train your lower and upper body equally. I like to do all my upper body muscles the one day 
and then my lower body muscles 2 days later.
Cardio is also very effective for getting rid of your tummy flab. The effect you get from cardio is mainly while you exercise 
and it helps you to burn off a lot of calories during exercise; helping you lose weight. If you are new to cardio, start off 
slow with some walking and then gradually increase your cardio load.
Abs-specific exercises
I mention abs exercises lastly, because it's really not the most important/effective exercise for losing belly fat. It's one of 
the best exercises to tone your abs. But if your abs are covered by a layer of belly fat, you will never see them. Include 
some crunches, bicycle exercises and other abs exercises together with your upper body workout.
The best approach to losing your stomach fat is to combine the above exercises into a regular workout plan and to 
follow a reduced calorie diet that is balanced and healthy. Stay away from fad diets and rather lose your tummy fat the 
healthy way! Doing so will give you the best, long lasting results. And remember that if you want to keep that fat off, you 
need to continue with this regime every day. You can obviously increase your calorie intake slightly when you've reached your goal.
If you are trying to lose weight, you are making a lot of mistakes that will slow down your weight loss. To help you identify your weight loss mistakes I have written a free report about the top 7 weight loss mistakes that's keeping you fat.
And to say thanks for reading my article today, you can now get a free copy of my special report. Click here to get your hands on a FREE copy of this eye-opening report.

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