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Best Ab Exercises That Will Get You Sexy Looking Six Pack Abs

Best Ab Exercises That Will Get You Sexy Looking Six Pack Abs
You see them all the time, on the beach, on the cover of magazines, and in movies. Who doesn't want six pack abs? Six pack abs are possible if you eat the correct foods and do the correct exercises.
So what are some of the best ab exercises?
Numbers 1-3 will be on a mat, the rest will be standing up.
1) Bicycle - On a mat, sit on your butt with hands behind you and legs in front of you. Start moving your legs in a circular motion like you are riding a bicycle. With your arms behind your head as you are doing the bicycle motion with your legs bring arms to opposite knee you are working.
These will work your lower abs. Bicycles work almost all of your abs including your obliques.
2) In and Outs - Sit in same position as bicycle except have your legs sitting on the floor. Bend legs and bring them toward your chest and then bring them out in front of you keeping them off the floor the whole time. Do as many reps in a row as you can to feel the burn. In and outs work upper and lower abs.
3) Flutter Kicks - Sitting on your butt with your arms resting on your side with legs of the ground in front of you. Kick your legs up and down going in opposite directions. 20 reps with both legs should be plenty. Flutter kicks also work upper and lower abs.
4) Leg Lifts - Lay on ground with hands under your butt. Lean forward just a bit and raise your legs up and back down. This will also target the upper and lower abs as well.
Standing Up Exercises
5) Side Sculpters - Standing up of course with hands behind your head. Bring one knee up towards your side as you bring your knee up, bring that same elbow towards the knee to get one heck of a contraction with your obliques.
6) Power Punch - Stand up straight and throw some punches. As you are punching twist your body to work your entire abs. You might look goofy doing these but they will definitely work your abs. Doing these will get you one step closer to a six pack and not the one they sell at the gas station.
7) Standing Pike Crunch - Hands in the air parallel to your body. Bring your arms down in front of you as you bring one leg up to meet your arms. This one is killer! You will feel the burn with this one no question.
8) Oblique Obliterators - Say that name 6 times fast. Standing with arms to your side. Bring one arm to your side while twisting your body in the same direction. Go from side to side and do as many reps as your obliques will allow you to do.
Remember with all the exercises to squeeze your abs to get the most out of your workout.
Here are 8 of the best ab exercises you can do to strengthen your core and get the six pack of your dreams. If you would prefer six pack abs over flabs do all of these exercises a couple times a week to keep your abs looking outstanding.

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